AREA PROJECT makes teleworking easier for its clients - Area Project Solutions

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AREA PROJECT makes teleworking easier for its clients

Due to the exceptional circumstances in which we find ourselves, telecommuting is a viable alternative for companies. During the state of alarm, there are very many queries from clients who, as a matter of urgency, request advice on what they need to get up and running quickly and be able to relocate their human resources to work safely from home.

To support this need AREA PROJECT has made available to its clients a wide set of tools to be able to telework safely. From the set of solutions deployed we can highlight two:

  1. The configuration of virtual private networks (VPN) that allow teleworking employees to offer secure access to corporate servers and emulate the office environment through a private tunnel for communications in which information travels encrypted.

  2. The deployment of personalized tools for teleworking based on the Selenio34 platform in software as a service mode. These immediately deployable solutions eliminate the dependency and cost of licensing and make critical functionality available to businesses. The most demanded are those associated with customer management, budgets and billing, as well as the launch of online sales channels and electronic commerce.


The objective is that the established containment measures do not paralyze the productive activity of the business fabric. However, regardless of the current situation, telework applies flexibility and implies a series of benefits for employees, the company and society:

  • Employees: It favors the conciliation between professional and work life, improves productivity and competitiveness, produces economic and time savings.

  • Company: Ensures business continuity, saves costs and helps implement a model based on goal orientation, improves productivity and competitiveness, contributes to attracting and retaining talent.

  • Society: Reduces the need for mobility (journeys) of society, contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, reduces the risk of commuting accidents, etc.

In the same way, AREA PROJECT continues to provide support to companies in all the services that are in operation in our Data Center (virtual private servers, web hosting, housing, cloud applications, etc.) and in person to the clients of the sector health and food industry.

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